Service Area
It is important to note Kern Mosquito & Vector Control District boundaries do not include the entire County of Kern. The District services the areas of Wasco, Buttonwillow, Shafter, Bakersfield, Lamont, and Arvin.
There are four mosquito districts in Kern County. Some locations in Kern County are not covered by a mosquito control agency. Please refer to the map below to determine which mosquito district serves you.
If you reside within the Delano Mosquito Abatement District's boundaries, you can get more information from their website here.
If you reside within the Southfork Mosquito Abatement District's boundaries, you can request for service by calling 760-223-3645.
If you reside within the Westside Mosquito and Vector Control District's (Taft, CA) boundaries, you can get more information from their website here.
If you reside in an area not covered by a mosquito agency, please contact Kern County Environmental Health Services.

CSDA MAP of the District boundaries.